Wednesday, December 23, 2009

First Hair Cut Nightmare & then some

Diego doesn't like to have his hair washed or cut. But, he loves to play with his own hair and mine. He twirls it in a comforting way especially if he is going to sleep, tired or stressed.

His first hair cut was a complete disaster. It was pretty long, so, I took him to one of those kid-friendly salons that has the train table to play with while they wait, little cars to sit in instead of chairs, and DVDs to distract them from the torture. Video games are also available for older kids to play, but Diego was only 1.
The stylist started, and as you can guess, my son was not very cooperative. She was extremely patient and careful as he was wiggling a lot and resisting her efforts. All of a sudden, I noticed her making a disgusted face and she beckoned me to come see what she saw... LICE!!! Ewwwww.

OMG, it was soooo gross. He is my 4th child and I had never experienced lice before. Very calmly & quietly , she explained that the haircut usually ends when/if lice is discovered, but that she was going to finish the cut. Thank goodness!

She did a great job and as soon as I left, I bought all the products needed to get rid of the lice and then some. Oh yes, I had it, too, because he was alway touching my hair. But, no one else in the family got it though.
The black & white photo at the top is before the cut and the clean cut guy in the green striped shirt to the right is after the cut.

A couple years later...
Recently when we went to get hair cuts. Diego, of course, protested.
I explained "you'll feel so much better when you get a hair cut" and he matter-o-factly replied
"but, I'm not sick."

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